Prophet Margin July 23, 2024
Squeezing a living out of a condemned local newspaper had its perks. Ignore the skeletal budgets, the sclerotic staff, and the flagrant inability to pay the harried photographer a sandwich wage. To outsiders, this local newspaper remained a storied i...
How Culture Got Stupid July 15, 2024
Like a lot of ’90s kids, I had strict rules growing up about what I was allowed to watch on TV—but with a twist. Unlike my friends, whose viewing restrictions were based on things like sex or violence, my mom had a single, esoteric standard: I was no...
Conspiracy Theories and the Internet Novel June 24, 2024
You’ve seen this image before: a man in rumpled office clothing, gesticulating wildly at a wall of papers with red yarn slashing across them. It comes from an episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, where Charlie starts working in an office mai...