
Story Stream

Prophet Margin July 23, 2024

Squeezing a living out of a condemned local newspaper had its perks. Ignore the skeletal budgets, the sclerotic staff, and the flagrant inability to pay the harried photographer a sandwich wage. To outsiders, this local newspaper remained a storied i...

How Culture Got Stupid July 15, 2024

Like a lot of ’90s kids, I had strict rules growing up about what I was allowed to watch on TV—but with a twist. Unlike my friends, whose viewing restrictions were based on things like sex or violence, my mom had a single, esoteric standard: I was no...

The Kate Conspiracy March 14, 2024

Listeners to the Today programme on the morning of 11 March had their porridge interrupted by frightening news. The House of Windsor, already facing down illnesses and a brace of erstwhile princes, was besieged by “conspiracy theories”. The problem, ...

The Kate Middleton Conspiracy-Theory Swirl March 14, 2024

We don’t traffic in rumors, but, if we did, there’d be plenty to choose from. If you were cruising the Internet last week, you may have come across an urgent appeal for information on the whereabouts of Kate Middleton, more formally known as Catherin...

'Reacher' Loses Its Charm March 13, 2024

When the first season of Reacher came out in 2022, it truly felt like a breath of fresh air. At a time when the world was still recovering from the Covid lockdowns, superhero fatigue had set in, and woke storytelling and diversity quotas ruined most ...