White House

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How RealClear Will Cover the New Administration December 31, 2024

Dear Reader,When Donald Trump returns to the White House, you can be sure that RealClearPolitics will feature supporters of his agenda. And also critics.RCP has covered the Biden presidency in the same way, showing perspectives from all sides. The Re...

How Wrestling Helped Trump Win the White House December 23, 2024

It’s a warm, beery August afternoon in Cleveland, Ohio, and a vast man called Matthew Justice is being beaten bloody on the street. His antagonist, Chuck Stone, slams Justice through a plywood table, scattering splinters. Then he hits him with a chai...

T.S. Eliot and Abraham Lincoln: Christian Humanists December 19, 2024

On November 4, 1932, the Friday before the national election that would send Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the White House, T.S. Eliot spoke for the first time as the Norton lecturer at Harvard University. ...