Abraham Lincoln

Story Stream

T.S. Eliot and Abraham Lincoln: Christian Humanists December 19, 2024

On November 4, 1932, the Friday before the national election that would send Franklin Delano Roosevelt to the White House, T.S. Eliot spoke for the first time as the Norton lecturer at Harvard University. ...

A. Lincoln, Political Poet June 14, 2024

It has become commonplace to say that Americans are more divided now than at any time since Abraham Lincoln’s presidency. The country is “confronting the greatest strain to its fundamental cohesion since the Civil War,” Ronald Brownstein argued in Ja...

A Veteran Teacher’s Audacious Plan for Staving Off American Decline June 03, 2024

The following essay is adapted from the recently released book LESSONS IN LIBERTY: Thirty Rules for Living from Ten Extraordinary Americans (HarperCollins) by Jeremy S. Adams  Decades and centuries in the future, historians will look back at our pecu...

Igniting an Appreciation for Abraham Lincoln in Children February 02, 2024

Historians and the general public regularly rank Abraham Lincoln as America’s greatest president. There is little doubt that he is widely admired for the work he did to end slavery and preserve the Union.But beyond these two important points, most Am...