
Story Stream

The Future Childless Cat Guys February 20, 2025

Biology has afforded men certain existential comforts. We are obsessed with women’s reproductive clocks, the idea that if they get married and have children when they’re still young they’ll be relegated to Cat Lady status forever. And in truth, we do...

Testimony from Hell February 17, 2025

A sepia-colored photograph of a handsome young man dominates the cover of I Am André. A warm yet slightly mischievous smile mirrors his kind eyes which seem filled with an ocean of unshed tears. The ghostly image intimates the improbably kaleidoscopi...

Where Love Goes to Die February 17, 2025

Universities used to be some of the best places in America to find a date. Sometimes they still are. At the University of Chicago, where I am a student and famously “where fun goes to die,” most of my peers are interesting, attractive, and bright. Th...

The Valentine's Day Erotic Economy February 14, 2025

I learned in the booklet in my recent Tokyo Treat box that Valentine’s Day in Japan is traditionally celebrated almost exclusively by women gifting chocolate to men. Most all other customs and gifts of the United States — date nights, flowers, cards ...

Classic Romance Novels: A Starter Pack February 07, 2025

Every now and again some starry-eyed optimist tries to craft an all-time best-of romance canon, and the gods laugh and make popcorn for the ensuing discourse fiasco. Romance is a slippery genre — in so many ways — and frequently there’s a seismic shi...

6 Best Songs of 2025 (So Far) February 05, 2025

The top of the year is always slow in the music business—those few weeks between the holidays and the start of awards season are generally reserved for emerging acts and album or tour announcements. The L.A. wildfires only added to this annual holdin...

On Susan Minot’s 'Don’t Be a Stranger' February 05, 2025

An older male friend once gave me the single best piece of dating advice I know of, even if, like most good advice, it’s sometimes easier to articulate than to abide by. I was in my early twenties, new to the city and eager for connection when he tol...

The Only Thing Men Are Allowed to Be November 27, 2024

Hello and welcome to Many Such Cases.I’ve been firing off essay after essay on here with more to come, and it has been paying off. I am learning, for better or worse, that conversations about the animosity between genders right now are resonating wit...

Time Is Never Time at All: Why the 1990s Matter November 21, 2024

Calendars to the contrary, most people who talk about the 1990s close the decade with the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. This is telling: the bliss of the ’90s was American bliss, and the victory over history posited by Francis Fukuyama, Py...

What Are We? November 19, 2024

Over the past several months, I haven’t been able to escape Chappell Roan. The 26-year-old singer shot to fame this spring after finding viral success with infectious synth-pop songs celebrating unbridled sexual freedom. The most popular tracks of he...

Reclaiming Ted Hughes November 19, 2024

Before preparing this essay, I began where many Americans seem hesitant to tread: with the poetry. I read and reread every poem I could find by Ted Hughes, as well as the slender oeuvre of Sylvia Plath, taking notes and contemplating both deeply. I r...

Meet the Women with AI Boyfriends November 18, 2024

When Karolina Pomian, 28, met her boyfriend, she had sworn off men. A nightmare date in college had left her fearful for her safety. But she got chatting to a guy online, and felt irresistibly drawn to him, eventually getting to the point where she w...

Whack-a-Mole November 18, 2024

With his third novel, David McCloskey has established himself as one of the leading spy novelists now in the game. After seven years with the CIA, followed by a stint as a consultant at McKinsey, McCloskey has become a full-time writer. His first nov...

A Sex Strike isn't Going to Work November 18, 2024

4B is a fringe South Korean feminist movement advocating the rejection of marriage, childbirth, dating and sex.The “B” in 4B comes from the word “bi” in Korean, which means “no.”...

Was Houellebecq Right? November 13, 2024

The date for the publication of Michel Houellebecq’s sixth novel was 7 January 2015. The book’s title was Soumission (Submission), and rarely had pre-publication reviews for a book been so vitriolic. The French literary scene loathed the novel, which...

Getting the Spark Back October 15, 2024

In the hour before the Chaotic Singles x Tinder dating event kicked off at the Moxy South Beach in Miami, the sky opened and the downpour began. The patrons of the nearby restaurant where I’d been dining were caught in the deluge, the rain soaking th...

Do Men Even Like Women Anymore? October 11, 2024

I have a tiny bit of fondness for the pickup artists of the past. Guys like Neil Strauss and Mystery were not perfect, by any means — I’m not even saying they weren’t misogynistic — but they did like women. They liked women enough to seek to understa...

The Poet October 09, 2024

I've had my galley of Michel Houellebecq's Annihilation for at least four months now; I've been able to stare at the tentative publication date of 10-8-24, thinking about when I'm going to get around to writing this review.There's something in Houell...

Blue Walls Falling Down October 09, 2024

An Excerpt from Blue Walls Falling Down: A NovelStella Tęsknota was ready to marry Blake Yourrick, the troubled if earnest protagonist of Infinite Regress. In this stand-alone novel (and loose sequel), set after Blake abruptly—and inexplicably—breaks...

Coldplay’s Self-Help Pop October 02, 2024

On a recent afternoon in Malibu, Chris Martin, the front man of Coldplay, was enjoying a brief pause between tour dates. “We have breaks, but only in the way that Serena Williams has a banana between sets,” he said, pulling his bare feet up under him...

What Ever Happened to Dating? August 16, 2024

Emerging adulthood is a time of life characterized by decision-making in romantic relationships. Most emerging adults (18 to 29-year-olds) utilize this time for romantic and sexual exploration with ambitions and expectations for marriage (see Millenn...

M. Night Shyamalan’s Very Sinister Dad Joke August 07, 2024

Having scored floor seats for himself and his teenage daughter at a sold-out stadium date by the world’s reigning pop star, a distracted dad spends the majority of the show looking desperately for a way out: “Let me know what I miss,” he tells her on...

The Hidden Marriage Market July 15, 2024

“Incidentally, the marriage market is probably the strongest reason to pay for expensive private schools. Going to Harvard may not get you a better job but almost certainly puts you in an exclusive dating pool for life.”This is a quote from Bryan Cap...

A Romp Back Through an N.B.A. Racism Scandal July 05, 2024

One upshot of the current glut of streaming platforms is a flood of programming to fill them: something for every attention span, something to plug every potential gap of viewer inactivity that might render a certain streaming service irrelevant whil...

Find Yourself a Finance Bro June 04, 2024

Joshes, Jareds, and Jakes of the world: rejoice! It’s going to be a good summer for basic dudes who favor Patagonia vests and work in the finance sector. For starters, there’s the earworm song that has gone absolutely viral on TikTok. The lyrics—“I’m...