Reclaiming Ted Hughes November 19, 2024
Before preparing this essay, I began where many Americans seem hesitant to tread: with the poetry. I read and reread every poem I could find by Ted Hughes, as well as the slender oeuvre of Sylvia Plath, taking notes and contemplating both deeply. I r...
The Silencing of Sylvia Plath October 09, 2024
In the afterword to Loving Sylvia Plath, a book detailing the abuse that Plath suffered at the hands of her husband, the poet Ted Hughes, the literary scholar Emily Van Duyne recounts that when she started the book, a friend told her that she had to ...
Breaking with the Poetry World’s Orthodoxy May 10, 2024
On January 10, 1963, one month before she took her life, Sylvia Plath recorded her last session with the BBC in London amid snowy, frigid weather that brought the city to a standstill. She reviewed Contemporary American Poetry, an anthology edited by...