Why Is Everyone on Steroids Now? June 07, 2024
Someone in your life is using performance-enhancing drugs. I feel comfortable making that bet because I recently discovered how many people in my life are using performance-enhancing drugs. Maybe your dad scored human growth hormone at an “anti-aging...
Does Testosterone Make You Gay? May 16, 2024
On Evolutionary, a bodybuilding forum, one guy puts it like this: “I ran Trenbolone [a synthetic androgen] for the first time the last 15 weeks… after a month of random sex hookups [with women] I started getting more weird feelings where it wasn’t go...
Steroid to Heaven January 10, 2024
Steroids are in. I’ve always thought I’d get around to trying some, but I never feel ready, and since my dad’s one of the likely millions of American men on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) but is also prone to umbilical hernias, falling off la...
'The Iron Claw' Doesn’t Quite Take Hold January 08, 2024
Given a long enough timeline, everybody of note winds up redeemed. So it goes with Texas’ star-crossed Von Erich family of wrestlers, which serves as the “inspiration” for director Sean Durkin’s The Iron Claw, a gorgeously-shot film that aims for epi...