Is Positive Thinking a Mistake? April 17, 2024
Two studies published last year cast a bit of shade on the power of positive thinking and of avoiding negative emotions. This thinking came as a bit of a surprise to me, given that the business and consulting world is one that feeds on optimism and p...
We Need to Calm down About Screen Time April 03, 2024
“You stare at a screen. That’s all you do every night. No one wants to talk to you, and they get annoyed whenever you call.” Pete Etchells wrote those lonely words in a miserable teenage blog in 2002, just before 10pm on a bleak December night. He’s ...
Is There a Widening Rift Between Men and Women? April 03, 2024
It has been suggested recently that men and women are drifting apart. Women are said to be more likely to lean left and to reject traditional ideas of (heterosexual) male-female relationships than men are. Men, on the other hand, are allegedly dissat...
Twitter Is Almost Worthless for New Writers April 01, 2024
When I launched my pseudonymous writing career in the summer of 2023, one of the things I was most looking forward to was creating my Twitter account and interacting with other interesting writers and intellectuals on the platform.I’d been lurking fo...
Why We Still Need Dr Freud March 19, 2024
Not much is uncontroversial when it comes to the life and work of Sigmund Freud, but one thing ought to be: he was a lousy psychotherapist. Take the case of his patient Horace Frink, who Freud diagnosed with a serious case of latent homosexuality, pr...
The End of the Multiverse January 17, 2024
After the monumental success of Avengers: Endgame, I remember wondering, like many people, what Marvel could possibly do to follow up such a cultural juggernaut. How could they raise the stakes or stage bigger battles? What else was left to explore?T...
The Remarkable New Godzilla Movie January 11, 2024
In the seven decades since Ishirō Honda’s 1954 classic Godzilla kicked off the durable genre of the kaiju (or giant monster) movie, this fearsome mega-reptile, a prehistoric creature summoned from the depths of the sea by atomic radiation, has stompe...
DEI Statements Are Political Litmus Tests January 10, 2024
Yoel Inbar must not be allowed to teach psychology at UCLA—or so a student petition informed the California university's administration this past July.Inbar is an eminent, influential, and highly cited researcher with a Ph.D. in social psychology fro...