Auden’s Island November 06, 2024
When, on January 19, 1939, W.H. Auden boarded at Southampton a ship bound for New York City, he could not have known that he would never live in England again. But some months earlier, he had told his friend Christopher Isherwood that he wanted to se...
The Poet October 09, 2024
I've had my galley of Michel Houellebecq's Annihilation for at least four months now; I've been able to stare at the tentative publication date of 10-8-24, thinking about when I'm going to get around to writing this review.There's something in Houell...
The Silencing of Sylvia Plath October 09, 2024
In the afterword to Loving Sylvia Plath, a book detailing the abuse that Plath suffered at the hands of her husband, the poet Ted Hughes, the literary scholar Emily Van Duyne recounts that when she started the book, a friend told her that she had to ...
The Unintended Brilliance of 'Dead Poets Society' October 08, 2024
As students return to school and our anticipation for fall colors grows, many of us are putting on classic movies that fit the autumn vibes. One of those perennial favorites is Dead Poets Society, a film that has been praised by a generation of stude...
Serpents and Doves October 03, 2024
Tantum religio potuit suadere malorum, said the first-century BC Roman poet Lucretius. “Only religion can move men to such wickedness.” He didn’t know a tenth of it. From the biblical slaughter of the Amalekitesto pagans persecuting Christians before...
Who Pays for the Arts? October 01, 2024
The thirty-year relationship between Copper Canyon Press and the Lannan Foundation began with a printing error. When poet Hayden Carruth’s 1992 book Collected Shorter Poems arrived at the press’s headquarters with a table of contents printed out of o...
Hannah Arendt, Poet October 01, 2024
For a while there in the late nineties, it seemed to me like every other book of poetry that I flipped open in the bookstore was prefaced by an austere epigraph from the writings of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Plato, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Sartre, and Wittgen...