Who Would I Be Off My Meds March 11, 2025
Some years ago, in a condition of acute emotional distress, I found myself in the office of the resident psychologist on a unit of a mental institution. Sitting in this psychologist’s office on day four of my incarceration, I was wracked by a kind of...
The Humans Who Live as Lab Rats March 16, 2023
The trainee couldn’t find Raighne Hogan’s vein. They were at an inpatient facility in West Bend, Wisconsin, northwest of Milwaukee, and she was maybe 18, and she was trying to draw his blood. She kept poking and prodding his forearm. No dice. When Ho...
The Myth of the Snap Drug Cartel March 09, 2023
The plan was straightforward: buy a ton of counterfeit pills pressed with fentanyl, and get rich selling them. But it was easier hatched than executed. For starters, how do three guys — combined age 63 years — get access to legit-looking, fentanyl-la...
A Blizzard of Prescriptions April 12, 2019
In 1996, a company called Purdue Pharmaceutical launched a new opiate painkiller called OxyContin. At a party celebrating its release to the public, Richard Sackler, a scion of the family that owns the company and its senior vice president of sales, ...
Books to Understand Health Care May 11, 2017
Three books to help readers comprehend the latest in the debate on health care......