Materialism on the Ropes January 27, 2025
When Oxford Professor Allister McGrath wrote The Twilight of Atheism in 2004, it seemed to be an overly hopeful book for religious believers. However, the Bush-era culture war battles over religion and New Atheism were still fully inflamed: Creationi...
We Also Need Democracy in Aesthetics January 21, 2025
In a new book entitled BACKBONE: Why American Populism Should Be Welcomed, Not Feared, author Karl Zinsmeister reports on middle Americans living all across the country, and why they want dramatic change in the direction of our country. He examines p...
Lola Kirke's Reading List January 15, 2025
One time I was visiting a very smart and wise friend of mine (she went to HARVARD but tells people, should it come up, that she “went to school in Cambridge”) who lives in the very intellectual city of Berlin. In need of something to entertain myself...
On (Not Quite) Making It January 02, 2025
In 1967, Norman Podhoretz, then the 34-year-old editor of Commentary, published a memoir, Making It, in which he confessed to a powerful drive for status, money, and other conventional forms of success. What’s more, he asserted that other New York in...
The Italian Job: Lucretius in the Renaissance May 11, 2023
In late 2011 an intriguing work of non-fiction entitled The Swerve: How the Renaissance Began appeared in my local bookshop, although it was marketed to American readers under the even more grandiloquent subtitle, How the World Became Modern. Written...