Mark Zuckerberg

Story Stream

Mock Zuck, but Love Freedom January 23, 2025

I enjoyed Christine’s send-up of Mark Zuckerberg’s recent makeover and censorship-apology tour. Zuck is a powerful guy who wants to ingratiate himself with the new regime. But she’s missing a big part of the story: the FBI. The FBI is pretty powerful...

Zuck is the Zeitgeist January 20, 2025

A copy of the handbook Erasing Institutional Bias has been languishing in my local “free library” for weeks now. The first time I saw it, it occurred to me that its forlorn presence might be a sign of the times. Recent events have confirmed that intu...

Zuckerberg Opts for Free Speech—After Thinking It Over January 16, 2025

Mark Zuckerberg’s decision to “get back to our roots around free expression on Facebook and Instagram” marks an astonishing turnaround in the long, twilight struggle over information in the digital age. In this conflict, it should be noted, Zuckerber...

Don’t Mourn the Fact-Checkers January 10, 2025

The Great American Vibe Shift, rapidly reshaping U.S. culture and politics, has landed at 1 Hacker Way—the gleaming Palo Alto headquarters of Meta. In a video this week, Meta founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced sweeping changes to content polic...

Hell Is Your Facebook Friends February 02, 2024

How will Facebook celebrate its 20th birthday? Perhaps it will create one of those cute video montages they like to generate at significant moments. Starting with a tinkling piano soundtrack, a couple of breathless friend requests, and some self-cons...