The American Man Is the Problem August 08, 2024
A couple of years ago, I started writing about the lack of masculine fiction in the literary scene, and predictably, I was lambasted and called all manner of names by the enlightened literati. I was labelled a bro, a beast, and even a misogynist for ...
About a Boyhood Essay July 25, 2024
It’s now almost August, which is already making me reflect on summer (I was never good at living in the moment). In the middle of June, when summer still looked neverending, I went to the Secrets Reading in NYC hosted by rayne fisher-quann. It was a ...
It Girls and Nowhere Women July 17, 2024
This is the era of the literary It Girl. While the moniker serves mostly as a branding gimmick, this moment of supposed female literary coolness—if we must call it anything—has produced genuinely interesting, if flawed, writers, such as the ever-pres...
Salman Rushdie Parties Again April 17, 2024
A few minutes before Salman Rushdie’s book party begins, his longtime literary agent, Andrew Wylie, is sitting at a table outside the Waverly Inn with a Hoyo de Monterrey Cuban cigar between his teeth. He’s holding what might be the event’s only phys...
New York’s Hottest Club Is a Literary Event April 17, 2024
When the writer and professor Amitava Kumar invited the book scout Erin Edmison to his reading at McNally Jackson Books’ Seaport location in February, Ms. Edmison penciled it into her calendar and “didn’t think twice about it,” she said, “because I a...