'A Gentleman in Moscow' Misses the Point June 10, 2024
It’s a rare feat for any movie or TV series to whitewash some of the most brutal moments in history to such an extent that it actually makes it positively desirable.And yet, the new television series on Paramount+, A Gentleman in Moscow, somehow acco...
How Liberals Talk About Children June 10, 2024
When Imre Kertész won the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 2002, I was twenty-two and deep in one of those unfortunate periods during which a young writer wants to be serious but doesn’t quite know what that means. The young writer may, in such a phase,...
Love and Other Dangerous Pursuits June 10, 2024
R.O. Kwon writes stunningly about the hunger for transcendence, for something larger than oneself, more encompassing than society. Her second novel, Exhibit, offers a brave, sometimes elliptical portrait of one woman’s liberation from the expectation...
The Gender-Equality Paradox June 10, 2024
In most wealthy nations, women have been steadily closing the gap with men on several fronts. In the United States, women now earn the majority of the bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Women now receive more than half of STEM college degree...
A Liberalism Not of This World June 07, 2024
he utopian mind, Roger Scruton wrote in The Uses of Pessimism, is remarkable not merely for being detached from reality but for taking a certain pride in consciously rejecting reality. Utopians “see the world differently. They are able to ignore or d...
'Do the Right Thing' Revisited June 06, 2024
Spike Lee’s 1989 classic Do the Right Thing is known for having sparked debates over conflicting methods of addressing racial oppression, namely, Martin Luther King Jr.’s non-violent, integrationist approach and Malcom X’s separatist and–when necessa...
Parents Take Control June 04, 2024
During Covid, America’s public school teachers received full pay to stop doing their jobs, often for over a year. Officially, to be clear, Zoom school was in session. But “teaching” via Zoom was barely better than nothing. Zoom schools offered little...