Horror Movie

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Why Hollywood Is Terrified of Horror Fatigue October 28, 2024

In 2022, Parker Finn’s Smile became one of the most profitable movies of the year, bringing in more than $217 million on a $17 million production budget. Paramount quickly greenlit a sequel, a no-brainer in an era in which horror is one of the only s...

'Longlegs' and the Unkillable Conservatism of Horror Films September 25, 2024

Horror movies are bigger than ever. In a recent stand-alone section of the Sunday edition of The Washington Post, film critic Jen Yamato announced that “in our frightening times, horror movies have met the moment.” The horror genre has doubled its ma...

The Slasher Movie Superlatives July 11, 2024

Watch enough slasher movies, and identifying all the familiar tropes starts to feel like second nature: the car failing to start, phones running out of juice (or there’s no service), sex becoming a death sentence, characters making the ill-fated deci...

‘MaXXXine’ Is Punch-Drunk on Pastiche July 08, 2024

Give Ti West this: He’s completed the quickest trilogy in contemporary horror movie history. Barely two years after X introduced us to its gore-soaked version of the MCU—that’d be the Maxine Cinematic Universe, named for the ornery and resourceful wo...

‘Night Swim’ Dives Into the Deep End January 08, 2024

In the opening sequence of It, the 2017 film adaptation of Stephen King’s terrifying novel of the same name, Bill Denbrough is helping his little brother, Georgie, create a paper sailboat on a stormy day. To finish the project, though, Bill needs Geo...