
Story Stream

The New Ex-Gay March 07, 2025

Last October, the UK Office for Equality and Opportunity confirmed its intentions to push forward a bill banning gay conversion therapy. Should Britain prohibit the practice, it would become the 29th country in the world to do so. While some have exp...

The Queers Versus The Homosexuals May 22, 2023

Do you remember the homosexual?It’s been a while, hasn’t it? He was, for a period, a key figure in the conversation about gay rights. He was Will in “Will And Grace,” or Keith in “Six Feet Under,” or Cam in “Modern Family” — a normie-enough dude rand...

In the Closet of the Vatican March 07, 2019

When God died, the official cause was elderly enfeeblement; after reading Frédéric Martel's exposé of infamy in the Catholic church, I suspect that the old boy committed suicide in remorse, aghast at the crimes and un-Christian sins of organised reli...

Did Pope's Advisers Push Gay Church Exposé? February 26, 2019

The publication of In the Closet of the Vatican by the French gay polemicist Frédéric Martel has been meticulously timed to coincide with Pope Francis's ‘global summit' of bishops to discuss the sexual abuse of minors. The book appeared in eight lang...

The Vatican's Gay Overlords February 15, 2019

Marveling at the mysterious sanctum that his new book explores, the French journalist Frédéric Martel writes that “even in San Francisco's Castro” there aren't “quite as many gays.”He's talking about the Vatican. And he's delivering a bombshell.Altho...

The Astonishing Story of Ike's Gay White House Aide January 04, 2019

This is a remarkable a book about an extraordinary man who was Dwight Eisenhower's “right hand” for foreign policy. Robert Cutler, known as Bobby, was born into a prominent Boston family, the fifth of five sons whose friends had names like Cabot, Low...

#Milosexual and the Aesthetics of Fascism June 15, 2018

For the September 2016 stop at Louisiana State University of his Dangerous Faggot Tour, Milo Yiannopoulos is dressed as his drag persona Ivana Wall. Accompanied by a young squire, he teeters across the stage in a pair of sparkly high heels and a long...