
Story Stream

Stay in My Heart May 13, 2024

On a spring day seven years ago I was driving across Coney Island Avenue in Brooklyn feeling unusually right with the world. I felt peaceful and uplifted because I had, a few days before, settled in my mind a difficult, painful question: I would even...

The Inventor of the Chatbot Tried to Warn Us May 10, 2024

Technological history may not repeat, but it occasionally rhymes. Last September, ChatGPT, the popular generative A.I. program made by OpenAI, released a voice mode that allowed users to talk to the software. ChatGPT then “talks” back. A few days lat...

Lenny Kravitz on the Most Rejuvenating Music of His Career May 09, 2024

Lenny Kravitz is “just waking up” at his Bahamas home on a recent morning when we say hello. Our conversation begins in a living room, but — no, hang on — him, his mint tea, and his open-chested denim vest would rather relocate to the porch. (The lea...

On Michael Deagler’s 'Early Sobrieties' May 08, 2024

“Like all Irish Catholic families, mine was suspicious of admitted alcoholics,” says Dennis Monk, the narrator of Michael Deagler’s Early Sobrieties. This is a problem, because Dennis Monk is newly sober and staying with his parents in the Pennsylvan...

A Conversation Between Rachel Cusk and Ira Sachs May 07, 2024

ONE MIGHT CALL Ira Sachs a writer’s filmmaker. His subtle scenarios adhere to—and glory in—the confines of the same reality the writer apprehends through language, a reality whose moral composition and problems of subjectivity are as tangible as its ...

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of 'Fallout' May 06, 2024

In terms of popular franchises that were ripe for adaptation, Fallout had to be one of the best candidates available. It’s an immensely popular video game series with a devoted fanbase, several bestselling games, and endless source material that a te...

Who’s Afraid of Judith Butler? May 01, 2024

In January, the American philosopher Judith Butler and the South African artist William Kentridge took part in a public conversation in Paris about atrocity and its representations. Before an audience at the École Normale Supérieure, they spoke for n...