You’re Thinking About Hurricanes All Wrong November 25, 2024
Are hurricanes getting more intense due to climate change? This is one of those questions that seems straightforward—almost banal—but gets weirder the closer you look into it. The discussion atmospheric scientists are having about the drivers of the ...
America’s Crisis of Leadership November 05, 2024
The biggest single crisis facing the United States on the eve of the election does not come from Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. It does not come from our enemies abroad. It does not come from our dissensions at home. It does not come from unfunded en...
No, You Don’t Have the Power to Stop Climate Change June 13, 2024
“We need to act now to avert a climate disaster.” It’s a 21st century truism, the kind of bromide repeated in mantra-like fashion by pretty much everyone in the climate space. It sounds like motherhood and apple pie, a truism nobody could disagree wi...
Are Climate Doomers for Real? March 19, 2024
A few weeks ago, I received a long email from a psychiatrist colleague about a patient of his who’s absolutely convinced that our society is on the verge of total collapse and that humanity is heading for mass extinction as a result of global warming...