Book Reviewing Site

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Lost in the Forest of Symbols October 30, 2024

AMONG A SMALL BUT VOCAL SUBSET of readers, the arrival of a new doorstopper on poetry and philosophy by Canadian thinker Charles Taylor is liable to induce swooning.For at least fifteen years, other thinkers have been describing him as an “elder stat...

Sex, Drugs, Raves and Heartbreak September 13, 2024

The “breakdown” in the subtitle of Emily Witt’s haunting new book, “Health and Safety,” isn’t hers. It belongs to Andrew, her boyfriend of four years; he started behaving erratically when pandemic lockdowns in 2020 put an end to the underground party...

A Metaphysical Memoir of Heroin January 09, 2024

The addiction memoir once occupied a space in the culture not far removed from the celebrity tell-all or the polygamous-cult exposé. These books were popular insofar as the experiences they described—the first hits, the rock bottoms, the fragile rede...

What's in a Review, Anyway? August 30, 2012

It seems like there's a lot of ink being spilled recently about book reviews, so let me spill a little more.First there was the "Stop the Goodreads Bullies" movement, which was started in reaction to the perception that there were people who were d...