The Secret Inspiration for Hemingway’s Greatest Novel January 06, 2025
You don’t expect to find a hidden message in a book you first read when you were a teenager. Not when it’s part of the canon, analyzed for decades, with critical opinion on it a settled matter. But when I was asked to write an introduction to a new V...
Books Every Man Should Read April 11, 2013
Anyone who's been handed a high school diploma can tick off the classic novels from the twentieth century: The Great Gatsby, A Farewell to Arms, The Grapes of Wrath. But cross into this millennium and things are suddenly murkier, Kindle-ier, less c...
Ugly Covers for Great Books July 21, 2012
Scribner just released this gorgeous new edition of A Farewell to Arms, complete with all of Hemingway’s alternate endings. If you ask most people with eyes, they’ll tell you the cover is a significant upgrade from the other two most common editio...