Washington Post

Story Stream

Is Bezos Ushering in New Era at Washington Post? October 31, 2024

Is Jeff Bezos going to bring back real journalism?In a shocking move, The Washington Post announced Friday it would not be endorsing a presidential candidate, after decades of doing so and after the outlet’s editorial board had written an endorsement...

We Are All on the Bus October 31, 2024

Asingle usage of “star-studded” was simply not enough to portray the majesty of a Kamala Harris campaign event with Oprah Winfrey, according to a Sept. 20 article in The Washington Post. “A star-studded online rally designed to showcase the enthusias...

Journalism Dies in Lockstep October 30, 2024

The media world is in a fury: the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times recently announced that they would not endorse a presidential candidate. Editors and columnists at both papers have resigned in protest; readers have cancelled their subscription...

A Messenger from the Past January 09, 2024

As much as I do otherwise, I do not like to predict the future. But sometimes prognostication doesn’t require any luck or even intelligence. You can consume the facts, formulate a thought, and know what’s going to happen.The Messenger was always, abs...

Beyond Tech's Vibe Shift January 05, 2024

All the news that’s fit to print. A few weeks back, at the end of 2023, the more reliably idiotic elements of our tech press published a torrent of eulogies for Twitter. The app was dead, the Twitter-addicted political activists once again tweeted on...