Tucker Carlson

Story Stream

Whiggish Churchill & Tucker Carlson etc September 27, 2024

There have been numerous takedowns of the online historian Darryl Cooper who villainized Winston Churchill and minimized Hitler’s crimes to Tucker Carlson. But why is rebutting this spurious revisionism important now?Many pseudo-defenders of the faux...

Op Nation September 26, 2024

What should Americans make of the fact that of the seven rappers who own private jets, including Jay-Z, Drake, and Lil’ Wayne, all have links to Sean “Puff Daddy” Combs, who is currently being held without bail by the Feds? It’s a fact that Puffy’s p...

The Rise of Post-Literate History September 09, 2024

The English historian J.A. Froude was famously gloomy about the ultimate prospects for his chosen branch of literature. “To be entirely just in our estimate of other ages is not difficult,” he said. “It is impossible.” Froude’s words came to mind the...

Pseudo-Scholars and the Rise of the Barbarian Right September 06, 2024

For many of the conservatives who embraced it—myself included—the Trumpian moment promised a more populist, pro-worker GOP. Yet the latest iteration of Donald Trump has dashed these hopes, playing down the themes that propelled his 2016 campaign, and...

The Cost of Living February 22, 2024

When we say someone is ‘drinking the Kool-Aid,’ we mean their blind or obsequious loyalty to a person or a cause will end in their ruin.The sad irony: the origins of this phrase neglect the facts. A factual error took on a life of its own. Try steeri...

Tucker and Trump Are TV’s Gravediggers August 28, 2023

The presidential debate as we know it was born with television, and this year, it is dying alongside television. The contrast between the Fox News-hosted GOP primary debate and Tucker Carlson’s counter-programmed interview with Donald Trump is the la...

Miranda Devine, the Bidens' Gadfly August 11, 2023

Donald Trump has been indicted for a third time. Special counsel Jack Smith has charged the former president with four counts of conspiracy and obstruction for his actions leading up to the events of January 6, 2021. This indictment follows Alvin Bra...