Musa Al-Gharbi

Story Stream

The History of Wokeness November 14, 2024

Over the summer, I drove down to one of the numerous beach towns in Ocean County, New Jersey with two friends: one is a cop, the other a special ed teacher and athletic coach; both are black Americans in their late 20s. Over a dinner of chicken franc...

Who the Woke Are October 28, 2024

What is a theory? In philosophy, we usually think of it as a set of propositions. These propositions might be challenged directly, or they might turn out to generate empirical predictions or logical consequences that could be challenged instead. But ...

Your Awokening Isn’t Special October 10, 2024

In late 2014, the journalist and sociologist Musa al-Gharbi fell victim to what would soon become known as cancel culture. A controversial article soon led to a Twitter spat, which then prompted a media outlet to draw attention to his views. Soon eno...

The Cultural Contradictions of a New Elite October 09, 2024

The central virtue of Columbia sociologist Musa al-Gharbi’s We Have Never Been Woke consists in its documented argument for what has been intuitively clear for some time: that influential elites who support the various causes generally going under th...

Contradictions of the New Elite October 02, 2024

Starting in the interwar period (between World Wars I and II) and rapidly accelerating in the 1970s, there were shifts to the global economy that radically increased the influence of the “symbolic industries” — science and technology, education, medi...