Melania Trump

Story Stream

The Name’s Melania, Melania Trump January 30, 2025

In her favorite room of the White House, the Yellow Oval room, stands Melania, in a black Dolce & Gabbana pantsuit. She’s less Barbara Bush, more the first female James Bond. Mrs. Trump’s second official portrait appears to be a deliberate homage to ...

Fashion Police: Inauguration Edition January 21, 2025

Glam was back yesterday in D.C., for most everyone other than Kamala Harris, who wore a casual leisure suit that screamed both “Chico’s” and “Give me the other half of the Xanax, Doug.”We don’t blame her. The weather alone—in a word: arctic—was enoug...

What Is Melania Trump Thinking? December 09, 2024

Behind the feline eyes, the serrated cheekbones and campy glamour, there is a hint of pain to Melania Trump. She displays a vulnerability, a sense of betrayal and a frustration at being misunderstood. She has described herself as “the most bullied pe...

Melania November 12, 2024

Certain levels of dignity and poise are typically limited to aristocrats groomed for positions of influence from birth. Access, resources, and opportunities are readily available to those who are bred in situations of modern royalty. But, in rare cir...

Even in Her Memoir, Melania Trump Remains a Mystery October 14, 2024

Back in 2012, some years before her husband, Donald Trump, was elected President of the United States, Melania Trump tweeted a picture of a beluga whale, its glistening white head emerging from the water, its toothy maw open in a half grin. “What is ...

Why Has Melania Trump Returned to Public Life Now? September 26, 2024

With her squinted, smouldering eyes and pursed lips, Melania Trump is more like the rich aunty with the Birkin bag than the sweet, Barbara Bush-esque grandmother trying to feed you the contents of her kitchen cupboards. Her beauty and dress sense mak...

The Subversive Genius of Melania Trump September 24, 2024

Melania Trump stands by her nude modeling work. There’s a video that makes this abundantly clear, posted last week to Melania’s X account. “Why do I stand by my nude modeling work?” she asks in voiceover, then goes on to answer her own question by di...