Mary Harrington

Story Stream

Feminism Goes Home March 07, 2024

Mary Harrington has written a thought-provoking book that joins works by a diverse group of women who are shaping a novel form of modern feminist thought. This new strand of feminism, to be sure, demands that women be entitled to the same rights and ...

The Case for Postliberal Feminism October 24, 2023

In The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism (1976), Harvard maverick sociologist Daniel Bell popularized a new lens to grasp, translate and decipher the West’s post-industrial dysfunctions, a three-way slicing of society into ‘realms’ or ‘spheres’: ...

Hunting for Harmony September 01, 2023

The dust jacket on the British edition of Mary Harrington’s Feminism Against Progress features Artemis, Greek goddess of apparent paradoxes. She is the hunter, but also the hunted; she stands for chastity, but also childbirth. It’s a fitting image fo...