Colorblindness in the Public and Private Sphere August 20, 2024
Coleman Hughes’s book, The End of Race Politics: Arguments for a Colorblind America, has provoked a lot of discussion here and elsewhere. Though I have all the respect in the world for Coleman and his ideas, and I think his prominence is a net good f...
The Audacity of Nope July 30, 2024
Our “national conversation” about race is a nesting doll of clichés. Each time a racially charged incident makes news in America, we are reminded of the “conversation” we must have, often as an end in itself, to atone for America’s history of racism....
Getting to the Mountaintop June 05, 2024
In today’s America, Martin Luther King, Jr.’s hope that black people might be judged by “the content of their character” is increasingly dismissed as quaint or even inconvenient. The new idea is to pose an eternal opposition between “whiteness” and “...
Beyond Grievance Politics May 17, 2024
The summer of 2020, when George Floyd’s murder inspired America’s “racial reckoning,” seems a distant memory. Although talk of a right-wing backlash is often overstated, we have witnessed some effective pushback against left-wing identity politics fr...
A Compelling Case for Colorblindness April 01, 2024
Between the end of the Civil War and the enactment of the Civil Rights Act (1964) and Voting Rights Act (1965), the goal of nearly all advocates of racial equality in the United States could be summed up as "colorblindness." As African-American journ...
In Defense of the Color-Blind Principle March 13, 2024
Two recent major-press books — Andre Archie’s The Virtue of Color-Blindness and Coleman Hughes’s The End of Race Politics — make a case that is considered quite bold today, would have been wildly controversial in 1953, and would have been thought a r...
The Young Black Conservative Who Rejects D.E.I. February 02, 2024
For many progressives, it was a big moment. In 2019, Congress was holding its first hearing on whether the United States should pay reparations for slavery.To support the idea, Democrats had invited the influential author Ta-Nehisi Coates, who had re...