Looking for Cary Grant January 01, 2024
When fans of American cinema think of Cary Grant, words like elegance, charm, class, and sophistication come to mind. There can be no question that Grant left an indelible mark on American film and culture. We are drawn to Grant’s performances in scr...
The Manliness of Screwball Comedy April 26, 2023
There’s something about Cary Grant that will always evoke charm, elegance, and intensity. Yet it’s also because of his humor that Grant solidified a persona. He was a man of many contradictions, always trying to reconcile one aspect of himself with a...
The Real Star of "North by Northwest" is Cary Grant’s Suit March 23, 2023
North by Northwest isn’t about what happens to Cary Grant, it’s about what happens to his suit. The suit has the adventures, a gorgeous New York suit threading its way through America. The title sequence in which the stark lines of a Madison Avenue o...
The House of Funny Horrors October 20, 2022
What do you get when you make a Halloween stew of familial madness, dead bodies, and two old spinsters? “Arsenic and Old Lace,” a 1944 classic film directed by Frank Capra with the ever-suave Cary Grant in the leading role. Except here, Grant’s smoot...