CS Lewis

Story Stream

Science Fiction with a Soul December 30, 2024

“Rooted as they are in facts of contemporary life, the phantasies of even a second-rate writer of modern Science Fiction are incomparably richer, bolder, and stranger than the Utopian or Millennial imaginings of the past,” Aldous Huxley proclaimed....

'My Dear Hemlock' Reimagines 'The Screwtape Letters' October 16, 2024

If imitation is the highest form of flattery, then it’s no surprise that Christian writers want to imitate C.S. Lewis. In My Dear Hemlock, published Oct. 1 by Canon Press, author Tilly Dillehay reimagines Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters for a female aud...

Inklings on the Move September 02, 2024

In recent decades, Tolkien and Lewis have attracted a formidable cohort of scholars and critics. To review two additions to their bibliographies is to notice how far things have come since the days when fashionable criticasters could airily dismiss t...

The World of C.S. Lewis August 26, 2024

It is not wrong to say that America made C.S. Lewis. Lewis’s 1942 book The Screwtape Letters was popular in Britain but was initially rejected by American publishers until Macmillan took a chance on it in 1943. It was a huge success. Macmillan quickl...