Me and Tony Bourdain March 18, 2025
“I write entirely to find out what I’m thinking, what I’m looking at, what I see and what it means. What I want and what I fear,” wrote Joan Didion, in a 1976 essay called “Why I Write,” for The New York Times Book Review....
The Meme-ification of Anthony Bourdain June 27, 2024
After Anthony Bourdain took his own life in June 2018, the internet was flooded with content memorializing him: obituaries, remembrances, bereft tweets by celebrities and regular citizens alike. But one post in particular foretold the chef’s afterlif...
What Kind of Man Was Anthony Bourdain? December 02, 2022
“Travel isn’t always pretty,” Anthony Bourdain once said, wrapping up an episode of one of his shows in his distinct staccato voice-over. “It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts; it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey change...
The Problem with Canonizing Bourdain October 10, 2022
Now comes a biography of Anthony Bourdain, the tall, formerly earring-wearing, forever tattoo-bearing, world-weary, cigarette-and-drug-infested chef, sometime novelist, prolific nonfiction chronicler of the kitchen, and persistently popular TV person...
The Last, Painful Days of Anthony Bourdain September 30, 2022
After Anthony Bourdain took his own life in a French hotel room in 2018, his close friends, family and the people who for decades had helped him become an international TV star closed ranks against the swarm of media inquiries and stayed largely sile...
Latest Anthony Bourdain Biography Already Controversial September 28, 2022
The biography, ‘Down and Out in Paradise,’ is being criticized by some of the late chef's friends and family for being inaccurate...
Anthony Bourdain and the Enigma of Cool June 27, 2022
Since chef, writer, and television star Anthony Bourdain’s suicide in June 2018, colleagues and friends have struggled to understand the reasons for his death and to define his legacy. Two recent projects—a film from acclaimed documentarian Morgan Ne...
Anthony Bourdain: Feast of Memory October 04, 2021
If there’s any doubt about Anthony Bourdain’s outsize influence on 21st-century culture, consider his inclusion in the “Last Interview” series, a collection of small-format volumes that reprint the final public conversations, and then some, of pre-em...
The World Anthony Bourdain Saw May 10, 2021
“Did the world need another travel guide, and did we need to write it?” asks Laurie Woolever.The question arose in March 2017, as she and the late Anthony Bourdain considered a guidebook that would catalog the world as seen through the famed chef and...