Abigail Shrier

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Not Every Kid Needs a Shrink June 03, 2024

Is therapy good for you? Many people have benefited from it, and the word itself, from the Greek, therapeia, means "healing." But what happens when the effort to heal extends beyond necessity? Or when a focus on trauma stunts the development of resil...

How Sad Do You Feel Right Now? May 20, 2024

Therapists are lurking everywhere. That’s the warning Abigail Shrier offers in her new book Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up. You might have spotted a few of the therapists or pseudo-therapists who have infiltrated your own life. It’s the ...

There’s a Therapist Under Ocean Blvd March 11, 2024

Abigail Shrier’s new book Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up opens with an epigraph quoting Lana Del Rey’s song “Born to Die.” Lana’s lyrics (sometimes love is not enough / and the road gets tough / I don’t know why) are perhaps apt as an an...

Healers Who Harm March 11, 2024

A few years ago, during a very  intense session of expert procrastination, I noticed that the algorithm of my YouTube ads pushed a new sort of service. BetterHelp, the presenter gleefully repeated, aimed at delivering a “personalised therapy for a ha...

Raise Your Own Damn Kids March 01, 2024

Abigail Shrier’s Bad Therapy: Why the Kids Aren’t Growing Up is not really about therapy. Instead, it’s about parents who let competitors for their authority usurp their role in raising their children and the harm such people can cause. Shrier focuse...

When Every Day is a Mental Health Day February 29, 2024

Abigail Shrier’s first book, 2020’s Irreversible Damage, launched the mother of all cancel campaigns. Because the book attributed the sudden and inexplicable rise in juvenile gender anxiety to social contagion rather than the activist-approved explan...

Are We Treating Gen Z’s Mental Health Crisis All Wrong? February 28, 2024

A few months ago, a high school teacher casually mentioned to me that at his school, students with diagnosed anxiety weren’t called on in class.What struck me as insanity is apparently mainstream in America’s schools now.In her gripping new book “Bad...