I enjoyed Christine’s send-up of Mark Zuckerberg’s recent makeover and censorship-apology tour. Zuck is a powerful guy who wants to ingratiate himself with the new regime. But she’s missing a big part of the story: the FBI. The FBI is pretty powerful, too.
As mainstream outlets have confirmed, the FBI more than once sent emails to Zuckerberg asking him to censor content about the pandemic and the famous Hunter Biden story. This is not only an affront to free speech. It is also probably unconstitutional. In 2018, Zuck went on a mainstream liberal outlet and said: “the U.S. has a very rich tradition of free speech … But in almost every other country in the world … there’s some notion that something else might be more important than speech; so preventing hate or terrorism or just different things.” Now we know why he said these things: the state was prompting him to do so.
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