In May, the New York Times announced “Some Silicon Valley VCs Are Becoming More Conservative,” citing newly outspoken critics of President Biden, such as Marc Andreessen, Chamath Palihapitiya, and David Sacks. Earlier this month, Gizmodo (RIP) published a piece with the headline "Silicon Valley Goes Full MAGA in 2024," mostly focusing on the fact that Palihapitiya recently co-hosted a fundraiser for Trump with Sacks, but also singling out Sequoia partner Shaun Maguire, who in May posted he donated to Trump this year, after supporting Hillary in 2016, and no one in 2020. The same day Gizmodo ran its article, MSNBC published a piece called "Big Tech CEOs are lining up to back Trump. Don't be surprised," arguing that "[l]eadership in Big Tech is disproportionately white and male, and some of them seem to see Trump as their ultimate protector and enabler." The latter two sites' histrionics aside, the headlines certainly feel like they have a ring of truth to them, but is there data to back them up?
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