Is Silicon Valley Shifting To The Right? June 20, 2024
In May, the New York Times announced “Some Silicon Valley VCs Are Becoming More Conservative,” citing newly outspoken critics of President Biden, such as Marc Andreessen, Chamath Palihapitiya, and David Sacks. Earlier this month, Gizmodo (RIP) publis...
John Gray and Peter Thiel: Life in a Postmodern World January 18, 2024
Peter Thiel, who had a nomadic childhood as the son of German parents who eventually settled in America, co-founded PayPal, the online payments company, in 1998 at the age of 31. He ran the company, working alongside Elon Musk, until its sale to Ebay...
The Diversity Myth May 29, 2023
Iwas involved in a good many campus and culture wars for almost a decade, in the late Eighties and early Nineties when I was at Stanford. I started a conservative student newspaper, The Stanford Review, back in 1987. Four years is an eternity in a co...
The Quest for Digital Dollars October 17, 2022
From one point of view, the most interesting political event is the foundation of a community. For example, we celebrate the Fourth of July, remembering 1776. Our admiration of our founders is part of our orientation to the past—to what’s real and to...
My Weekend With the Martians October 14, 2022
A panelist explains Urbit to me as a “clubhouse where we hide from the AI.” Over the course of the weekend, bit by bit, members of Urbit community describe it as a peer-to-peer networking system that aims to eliminate the need for giant servers, like...
The Dream of Digital Homesteading October 04, 2022
In essence, Urbit aims to upend the current architecture of the internet, in which users are clients of massive centralized servers that store data, in favor of a decentralized model in which users have ownership of their identities and their data. T...