Barbarians at the Gate March 06, 2025
Ten days or so ago, at the end of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference, I found myself at a party. I’ve been to these sorts of things before, and more often than not they have been insufferable affairs: sweaty frat basements reeking of...
Panda Bear’s Long Road Home March 05, 2025
Last night, Panda Bear got a shot in the ass.He was about to play the first show of a sold-out, two-day stand at the 930 Club, a Washington, D.C. room so legendary it houses its own museum of LPs and CDs by almost every band that’s performed there si...
Where Trump’s Washington Will Actually Be Hanging Out November 27, 2024
Where will conservatives and Donald Trump’s disciples spend their non-working hours in DC for the president-elect’s term? The Washingtonian provided a list by Jessica Sidman last week, but by Cockburn’s estimation, it’s not totally over the target....
Book Review: Tevi Troy's 'The Power and the Money' November 25, 2024
Jeff Bezos’s purchase of the Washington Post in 2013 may not have been his best business acquisition, but it still arguably rates among his best acquisitions. Precisely due to Amazon’s stupendous growth borne of a remarkable business that much of the...
Heart of Semi-Darkness November 11, 2024
Your meal at Hank’s Oyster Bar, a small seafood chain in the Washington, D.C. area, always ends in something sweet, even if you don’t order dessert: a petite glass bowl loaded with chunks of dark chocolate, a gift from the house. As with most gifts, ...
Why No One Pays for the Bus October 15, 2024
I ride the bus in Washington, D.C. often enough to know that I am cheating myself by paying. Every time it’s the same ordeal. When the bus rolls up to the stop—usually a few minutes late—I pull out my wallet and get ready to swipe my card. But it’s n...
A Visit to DC's Design District May 27, 2024
I’ll make an admission: I find Washington, D.C. to be an exquisitely beautiful city. Yes, I love The Swamp. I am a swamp creature from the hinterlands, festooned with ferns and waterlilies. I have found most people here to be exceedingly tolerant, in...