On Vladimir Nabokov October 01, 2024
My car is limping, Dolores Haze,And the last long lap is the hardest,And I shall be dumped where the weed decays,And the rest is rust and stardust.Directly before the closing line we must twist ‘decays’ to rhyme ‘Haze’. Our lip turns up and a snarl i...
Nabokov’s Love Affair July 26, 2024
Vladimir Nabokov, born in 1899, began life in an upper-class home in St. Petersburg, and it was in that city and on the nearby Rozhestveno estate that he and his family lived until they were dispossessed by the Russian Revolution. The family then mov...
Did J.K. Rowling Fail the Lolita Test? July 03, 2024
Gird your loins, ladies and gents: we are doing Lolita discourse again. Vladimir Nabokov’s most famous novel, featuring the memoirs of an unrepentant pedophile named Humbert Humbert, has often been a flashpoint for controversy—including at the time o...
Don’t Be Terrified of 'Pale Fire' May 30, 2024
Pale Fire is one of the greatest books I’ve ever read. It is so great it is terrifying to write about. This is not something I would normally confess, but in this case it seems better to just come out and say it, lest the reader feel the awful stamme...