
Story Stream

A Little Night Music: On VIVIENNE and Surrealism February 17, 2025

The residue of the day is a dream. The residue of World War I was Surrealism. We know a surreal moment when we see it: familiar-foreign, supremely freaky, frighteningly true but not actually real....

MAGA is Failing Because It's Succeeding February 13, 2025

I’ve had a horrible cold for the past week, which has made processing recent events in DC even more disorienting and surreal than it was already bound to be.I went to bed congested and woke up to the US feuding with Canada. Just kidding, we’ve actual...

America’s Cult of Weird June 11, 2024

Readers, friends, sea cucumbers, square roots of negative one! A momentous anniversary will soon be upon us! Next year, 2025, will mark the 80th anniversary of the day a car rolled into my hometown of Reno, Nevada, in the strange calm of the summer j...