South Vietnam

Story Stream

Choosing Defeat June 01, 2023

Writing five years ago in the Claremont Review of Books (“The Vietnam War Revisited,” Spring 2018), I criticized a ten-part PBS series, The Vietnam War (2017) by directors Ken Burns and Lynn Novick, arguing that, rather than an evenhanded examination...

Refighting the Vietnam War March 01, 2023

Military historian and Hillsdale College professor Mark Moyar has just published Triumph Regained: The Vietnam War, 1965-1968, which is the second in what will become a massive three-volume revision of the entire Vietnam War. It is a book that should...

Fifty Years From Paris January 27, 2023

Fifty years ago today, envoys of the United States, North Vietnam, and South Vietnam met in Paris to sign the document that ostensibly ended the war in Vietnam. The Nobel committee promptly bestowed its peace prize on the chief negotiators, Henry Kis...

The Fall of South Vietnam April 27, 2021

I’ve known George J. Veith, author of the new Drawn Swords in a Distant Land: South Vietnam’s Shattered Dreams, since 2008, when he interviewed me about my own long history of operating in Vietnam as a clandestine collector of signals intelligence ag...