North America

Story Stream

Correcting the Course March 10, 2023

he end of the Cold War three decades ago followed by the terror attacks in 2001 should have ushered in an era of consensus and bipartisan agreement in the United States. That was what people expected at the time, but it was not what happened. Far fro...

Vikings in America December 29, 2020

Who, besides the indigenous peoples from Asia who crossed the Alaskan land bridge in prehistory, arrived in the Americas before Columbus? The question has fascinated generations of scholars. Could a Chinese tribute ship, as Gavin Menzies proposed in ...

Why Not Celebrate the 400th Anniversary of Plymouth? December 09, 2020

On Saturday November 11, 1620, an ill-fitted cargo ship anchored off the coast of Cape Cod. On board were 102 quarrelsome and hungry passengers. Some 37 were religious dissidents, some servants, and a good many were would-be settlers contracted by th...

Drunks and Democrats December 07, 2020

Upon arriving at a Maryland tavern in 1744, Dr Alexander Hamilton (not to be confused with the more famous secretary of the treasury) found himself seated amid a ‘drunken club’ of lower-class men. He was revolted by the ‘Bacchanalians’ who were so in...

Roanoke's 'Lost Colony' Was Never Lost September 02, 2020

In 1590, the would-be governor of a colony meant to be one of England’s first outposts in North America discovered that more than 100 settlers weren’t on the small island where he left them.More than 400 years later, the question of what happened to ...

The Killer Apes of Mount Rainier September 01, 2020

It is only human to be scared of the dark, although that doesn’t stop some of us from occasionally wandering alone around the woods without a light, on a moonless night, for no particular reason. The world changes in these sojourns. Your night-vision...

A Jesuit Empire October 21, 2019