
Story Stream

How MDMA Highs Can Declutter Your Hoarded Brain September 10, 2024

If you’ve ever seen one of those “hoarder” shows on television, you’re ready to take MDMA. You know the shows I mean, right? There’s a person who has collected crap for years—decades, sometimes—and their house is piled so high with old newspapers and...

How I Learned to Love Mushrooms August 16, 2024

“The only way I can finish a writing assignment on time,” a screenwriter friend told me recently, “is if I steal some Adderall from my kid.”We were talking about the trouble we have getting things done, feeling inspired, being able to focus. I told h...

A Drug Against War June 14, 2024

Looming on a cliffside in Big Sur, framed by the Pacific Ocean and California’s windy Highway 1, the Esalen Institute has long stood as the wooly nerve center of the philosophical, psychological, and pseudospiritual American tendency dubbed “the huma...

National Disservice June 04, 2024

During my late teens, we pleasure-seekers drained three-day weekends by flooding our not-yet-fully formed brains with serotonin. Thousands of like-minds, posh and poor, black and white, swarmed a secretly disclosed valley in rural Wales. On the agend...