Haruki Murakami

Story Stream

The Cult of Haruki Murakami November 26, 2024

On March 20, 1995, members of a religious cult released toxic gas in three Tokyo subways, killing thirteen people. Some months later, the Japanese novelist Haruki Murakami happened to be reading the letters page of a banal Ladies’ Home Journal–type m...

Louder in Japan November 20, 2024

In the years before publishing his first novel, 1979’s Hear the Wind Sing, Haruki Murakami ran a jazz bar. The Japanese writer met his wife, Yoko, in the early 1970s, and as students at Waseda University in Tokyo, the pair opened Peter Cat, a small e...

The Rebel Cult of Murakami November 18, 2024

For middle-aged Japanophiles, the recent Japan boom among the young can at times feel exhausting. Japanese pop, rapid and relentless, sounds like something put together by toddlers on a sugar binge. Meanwhile, the popularity in the West of manga and ...