China Mieville

Story Stream

The Pulp Sublime October 30, 2024

During lockdown, like so many others, I tried to get a DnD game going with a few friends. Before our plans inevitably collapsed, I was sent a character sheet for a communist Paladin sworn to the Oath of the Common Man. While there’s no quick way to i...

Immortal Combat September 30, 2024

Your reaction to the following lines in The Book of Elsewhere—which is about an unkillable warrior working with the American military-industrial-scientific complex in an attempt to discover whether he can die or at least achieve mortality—will be a d...

Literary Blockbuster August 02, 2024

The comedic set-up could be a movie. One day a beloved Hollywood megastar e-mails an eccentric British writer seeking to collaborate on a tie-in novel based on an ultraviolent comic book.The exuberant A-lister envelops the mild-mannered, high-minded ...