Jonathan N. Badger

Author Archive

  • December 16, 2022
    In the previous essay I indicated that my search for the foundations of ideological commitments, having led me into a sustained, immersive encounter with some of the peaks...
  • December 14, 2022
    After five years of graduate study, I finally found myself teaching in a small liberal arts college on the Chesapeake Bay.  The St. John’s program is a mostly all-required...
  • December 9, 2022
    Pretty soon after commencing the dissertation phase of a graduate program one finds oneself down a rabbit hole, and later in a burrow of his own making.  The student is still...
  • December 5, 2022
    Reading Allan Bloom’s The Closing of the American Mind as an undergraduate in the 1980s made me realize my education was missing something important and generated a...
  • December 1, 2022
    Thinking about why we believe what we believe is not straightforward.  It’s not as though we simply start from scratch and make a set of calculations, logical arguments,...