In 1967, Pepperdine College commissioned the historian and conservative man of letters Russell Kirk to write a history textbook for the southern California Christian college. The...
As Constitution Day falls on September 17, we are in the midst of an historically divisive election season. The gaps between Republicans and Democrats, liberals and conservative have...
In my mid-twenties, I found myself at a crossroads. Down one path, if I stayed the course as a graduate student in political science, I could pursue a life in academia. Down another...
Last year’s dismal eighth grade scores on the history and civics exams of the National Assessment of Student Progress are not the only warning sign of a civic education...
In his first inaugural address, President George Washington declared that “there is no truth more thoroughly established, than that there exists in the economy and course of...
Americans’ confidence in our higher education system is at a historic low. According to a Gallup poll this summer, only 36 percent have real faith in our colleges and...