I’ve counted them all up: the teacher who laughs with children at their God and at their cradle, is already ours. The lawyer who defends an educated murderer by saying that...
A generation on from the fall of the Soviet Union, the intellectual and political class in the democratic world still fails to grapple with the totalitarian episode that upended...
There are perhaps no more cited words of poetry, at least poetry of a genuinely high order, than the opening stanza of W. B. Yeats’s haunting 1919 poem “The Second...
The late Roger Scruton’s prescience (he died five years ago this month) becomes more apparent with each passing year. Thirty or forty years before others began to come to terms...
Sir Roger Scruton died just shy of his 76th birthday on January 12, 2020, after a short but valiant struggle with cancer. For many of us, he was the very model of personal and...