Even in Her Memoir, Melania Trump Remains a Mystery

Back in 2012, some years before her husband, Donald Trump, was elected President of the United States, Melania Trump tweeted a picture of a beluga whale, its glistening white head emerging from the water, its toothy maw open in a half grin. “What is she thinking?” the Slovenian-born onetime model captioned the image. Over the past decade-plus, this tweet, which at last count has been reposted forty-seven thousand times and has garnered fifty-eight thousand likes, has emerged and reëmerged periodically in my feed. On its own, it already had high meme potential—there’s just something inherently funny about a person wondering publicly, apropos of nothing, as to the inner reflections of a stock-image marine mammal (and deciding, too, that this stock-image marine mammal is a girl). But the fact that it was Melania Trump who had posted the tweet made the whole thing even more intriguing, since the question she posed could pertain not just to the beluga but also to herself.

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