On Tuesday, July 16th, Bill O’Reilly sat down with Jon Stewart for an interview and debate on The Daily Show, the most recent episode in a shouting-match-slash-love-affair the two men have dallied in, on and off, for the past two decades. The last time the two squared off was 2014. Since then, O’Reilly left his cable show amid allegations of sexual misconduct, opting to stream his program independently online. After retiring from The Daily Show, Jon Stewart made an abortive attempt at a second-act directing career, before slinking back to his old gig. They’re far from the cultural forces that once shaped the contours of Bush-era America. What was striking about their latest debate, though, was not so much what had changed but what had remained the same. To hear the two men speak last Tuesday was like stumbling upon a conversation preserved in amber, unchanged since interlocutors were in their prime.
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