Since 2017, French President Emmanuel Macron has been the de facto leader of the Western liberal democracies. By comparison, Trump is too nationalist, Biden too old, British politics have been too turbulent, Trudeau is too vapid, and Scholz too pliable. However, Macron’s prominence in the international community is more than leadership by default. He stands taller than any other world leader because he is the living embodiment of liberal internationalism – a defiant voice of reason and prudence in a world increasingly dominated by the hard-headed nationalism of Marine Le Pen and Donald Trump. In short, Macron is the firmest advocate on the world stage for the principles of modern democracy. Yet for all his brilliance and international importance, Macron’s liberal coalition is crumbling domestically. Despite his competent management of France’s economy, Macron’s Renaissance Party was recently trounced in the European elections and faces a tough road to victory in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
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