“You’ll be happy to know I have beautiful makeup on,” Lauren Oyler told me, “when we’re talking on the phone like old people.”
This is a fair lede because it nods to self-presentation and modes of communication, both of which come up in No Judgment (HarperOne), her new essay collection, out next week. “I live in Berlin”—her current location and the subject of one of her essays—“and the winter here is always really bad, there’s no sunlight ever.” She had just returned from India, where she took trains every three days and, I learned from her Instagram (because she has one!), encountered an elephant truck with a flat tire and took photos of people taking photos of themselves. “Not the best thing to do when you have a book coming out,” she said of the trip. “I was doing a bunch of edits under a mosquito net in this tree house.”
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