Glenn Ellmers is the Salvatori Research Fellow in the American Founding at the Claremont Institute, an influential conservative think tank in California. He believes that the United States is a post-constitutional nation and the cause of the loss of the people’s sovereignty is philosophical.
The Narrow Passage: Plato, Foucault, and the Possibility of Philosophy contends that we are willing dupes of a governing system in which “racism constitutes the original sin [and] science represents its Holy Writ and promise of salvation.” Far from living at liberty in a secular democracy based upon reasonable deliberation, the US today is a theological regime. We are willing dupes because we are philosophically muddled, with the worst of it that our leadership is lost inside a contradiction. Ellmers states, “The same ruling class that defends its authority on the basis of scientific expertise also insists on identity-based truth, such as Afrocentric calculus and feminist chemistry.”
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