Is Conservativism’s Future Strauss or Voegelin?

Glenn Ellmers is the Salvatori Research Fellow in the American Founding at the Claremont Institute, an influential conservative think tank in California. He believes that the United States is a post-constitutional nation and the cause of the loss of the people’s sovereignty is philosophical.

The Narrow Passage: Plato, Foucault, and the Possibility of Philosophy contends that we are willing dupes of a governing system in which “racism constitutes the original sin [and] science represents its Holy Writ and promise of salvation.” Far from living at liberty in a secular democracy based upon reasonable deliberation, the US today is a theological regime. We are willing dupes because we are philosophically muddled, with the worst of it that our leadership is lost inside a contradiction. Ellmers states, “The same ruling class that defends its authority on the basis of scientific expertise also insists on identity-based truth, such as Afrocentric calculus and feminist chemistry.” 

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