Are Greens Powders Actually Good For You?

Even if you don’t spend hours scrolling TikTok like the rest of us, you have almost certainly encountered Bloom Nutrition. The company, founded in 2019 by Mari Llwellyn and her husband Greg Lavecchia, is known for its powdered greens products that promise to infuse your body with nutrients, eliminate bloat, and improve digestion. Whether or not that is actually true, though, is the subject of much debate.

Bloom is, of course, not the first — or the only — greens powder on the market. These powders, typically made with pulverized kale, spirulina, and other “superfoods,” have lingered on health food store shelves for decades as a way for folks to pack as much nutrition into their diets as possible. But they’ve seen a surge in popularity in recent years, evidenced by Bloom’s success and its bounty of competitors, including Athletic Greens, BetterGreens, and Huel, all of which claim similar health benefits. 

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